

    Thanks to Gu Li-Jia Hui purchase smart products, I would like to thank you! In order to allow you to make better use of this product, Gu Li, Guangzhou science and technology electronics limited product warranty attached to you make the following service commitments and in accordance with the requirements of the service commitment to provide you with maintenance services.

    (A), the nationwide warranty

    Gu Li-Jia's products: the hotel sauna lock, password lock, locks, fingerprint locks, electronic House, touch switches, power switches implemented nation-wide warranty standard warranty service. Whether you are in China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions) where purchased and used, when there is a fault within the warranty scope, you can contact your local dealer for maintenance service or visit our website: seamfade.net or call our service phone 4008-568 query-018.

    Three packs of service are as follows:
    1. Since the date of sale of goods in the 7th, when there is a performance failure, consumers can choose to return, replacement or repair.
    2. Since the date of sale of goods in the 15th, when there is a performance failure, a consumer can select a replacement or repair.
    3. Since within 1 year from the date of sale of goods, performance failure, a consumer can select Repair.

    Following conditions is not within the warranty scope:

    1. the guarantee period is over.
    2. There is no valid documents and invoices.
    3. contents and goods in kind on the invoice does not match the identity or altered.
    4. According to the product manual requires the use, maintenance and repair damage (damaged).

    (B) value-added services, Gu Li
    Gu Li for cities to take the specified commodity sales, consumers purchasing goods are now in the region, where Gu Li-Jia, an additional value-added service.
    User can purchase the models call 4008-568-018 service phone to check if items purchased Gu Li are now commodities in the region.
    To protect your interests, make sure you purchase are now in the area of commodities.

    Gu Li-Jia value-added services:

    Free 7-day replacement: within 7 days from the date of purchase, product performance failure if, is free to replace the model with the same specifications of goods, when the same model with the same specifications of goods production will provide no less than original products of the same brand, and offers free onsite Exchange service at designated locations.
    1 year free home repair: within 1 year from the date of purchase, product performance failure, in designated cities and regions to provide a free onsite repair service.
    Maintenance of life: from the date of purchase, product performance failure if we give a lifetime maintenance

    (C) the description, warranty
    If your machine fails, please contact your local dealer or call our service hotline at 4008-568-018,
    Your product occurs in a normal non-human performance failures, I will offer a 1 year warranty service.
    If the following conditions, you can choose the reimbursement for the services provided by our company.
    1. my company's "warranty" is restricted to maintenance to monitor hardware.
    3. maintenance, customer service center for checking product model number and serial number on the invoice and the warranty card is compatible with the goods in kind.
    4. When you purchase the company's products, dealers give you bundles of goods, up to the dealer to warranty, dealer to make all of the extra commitment to you, we do not take responsibility. When you purchase, please contact your dealer and ask for written confirmation to ensure that dealers for your additional commitments to be honoured.
    (D) warranty obligations, exemptions
    In order for your legal rights protected and avoid unnecessary losses, for the following reasons for failure or damage to the monitor, I do not assume warranty for free, please select a paid service.
    1. beyond the warranty period.
    2. when an LCD Panel scratches, dings, deformation, dents and other conditions.
    3. as a result of non-service personnel dismantled or repaired by this Division.
    4. damage caused by unexpected factors or man-made or forced behavior (including operation errors, handling, etc.).
    5. use nonstandard or publication of the software.
    6. damage caused by force majeure such as natural disasters (such as earthquakes, fires, floods, etc).
    For services outside the scope of warranty, we will charge a fee (charge = service fee + replacement parts).
    Gu Li, the right to interpret all the provisions above all, carried out the company reserve the right to modify without prior notice. If there was controversy, will be based on the product of repair, replacement and return liability provisions shall prevail.
    In order to provide you with better service, to protect your rights and interests, our company welcomes you to supervise our work
    Phone number: 4008-568-018

    Fax: 020-36485758

    Please send the letter: and Yung Shue Tau Road, Baiyun district, Guangzhou City 5-6-Gu Li Electronics Service Department

    Postal code: 51000
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